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The lunar calendar for today

209 day of the year
30 week
Waning moon Waning moon
Fruit Propitious time for plant development, which crops are fruits or seeds.
Aries Moon in Aries

Health and beauty

Wash hair A particularly propitious time for washing hair.
Weight loss Good time for effective weight loss and detox.
Skin care Skin care and hair removal - a good time for beauty treatments.
Operation Propitious time for operations and medical procedures.

Home and garden

Weed Destroy weeds - the most favorable time for weeds removal
Cleaning Laundry and dry cleaning. During this time, you need less detergent and cleaning products.
Airing Adequate time for ventilation. It is also easier to dust without water.
Clean window The most favorable time for cleaning windows. No smudges are left.
freezing Favorable time for harvesting and freezing fruits.
Painting and repairs The best time for all work associated with painting, varnishing and minor repair work.
Jars of fruits Favorable time for collecting and preserving fruits.
View the lunar calendar for tomorrow

How the moon affects our lives?

People had been fascinated by the moon, and how it lights up the night, for a long time. Soon they recognized, that when the moon shrinks or getting bigger, lots of various phenomena occur in nature. Long time ago, when there were no scientific laboratories, fishermen and farmers could decide when to fish, sow and harvest according to lunar phases. Women knew which day was the best for doing laundry, preserves or drying herbs. Animals also live according to the lunar clock. Birds, for example, can choose the right moment to build a nest, so it can chilled after the rain more quickly. Using this knowledge, we can avoid many problems in our lives. Of course precise determination of lunar activity, requires good astrological knowledge. But even basics can help our lives become easier and less nervous. more about lunar calendar...